Undead Fan Stories Wiki

Quietly laying Will down onto the sofa, Bella bit her lip as she tried not to wake him up. He had finally stopped having his crying fit and had winded up going to sleep so she had decided he must've really needed it so let him fall asleep, although she was just making sure he wouldn't fall off the sofa as he did sleep.

However as she did move him something suddenly dropped out of his jacket pocket and landed on the floor next to the sofa making her confused as she stopped what she was doing and crouched down to see what it was.

However she wished she hadn't as she soon realized it was a photo and picking it up to see what the photo was of she saw it was a picture taken by Maria at the time she had caught Will and Natasha kissing while they were naked....

He still kept it with him....

Bella didn't know what to think or feel as she held the photo. Normally she would've understood why he still carried it and just shrugged it off before putting it back but a small part of Bella made her feel uneasy.

She knew Will still loved Natasha, like he still his first wife but Bella thought he had moved on. Now he was dating her after all. Holding the photo, Bella sighed as she shook her head and put the photo back in one of Will's pockets.

Bella knew she had dreams sometimes. Dreams of Will dumping her because he actually never loved her and still loved Natasha. Dreams of Will saving Natasha and leaving her to die despite her begging him to save her too....

Sighing again, Bella shook her head as she ran her hand through her air, pushing them thoughts out of her head as she got up, picking up the two glasses along the way before she headed to the kitchen so she could put them away.

She was just being paranoid, she knew Will loved her other wise he wouldn't have started dating her. She just wished he would spend more time with her, although hopefully once they reached that safe zone they would be able to do just that.

Going back to the living room, Bella made herself comfy on one of the chairs near the sofa so she could take over Will's job of look out for now but instead of looking out the window she found herself still looking at him, a little worried.

She really did hope the two of them did make it to that safe zone, but for some reason she felt something was going to go really wrong, really soon.

However her thoughts were interrupted when she heard rain beginning to hit the window a little more roughly than before making her look outside to see all the rain falling down which made her scoff a little at how ironic it was that she was thinking something was going to go wrong and then it started raining...

They WILL make it to the safe zone, she told herself as she got settled down to keep watch in Will's place. They had to....

Carrying a box of clothes that the group of them had found in the cabin, Bella walked over the truck as she kept her eyes peeled, looking out for not only in case any trouble came but she was also waiting for Will and Angelica to return.

"they back yet?" Emily asked as she came walking out of the cabin which made Bella raise an eyebrow at how Emily looked recently clean but she didn't bother answering as she shook her head and put the box down on the back of the truck.

"no, you think they're alright?" Bella asked biting her lip a little worriedly but Emily just gave her a confident smile and a pat on the back as she continued walking towards the RV, most likely to check they hadn't forgotten anything.

"they know how to handle themselves and they're both better than any of us out there, they'll be fine" Emily told Bella before going into the RV fully leaving Bella alone outside to stare at the woods still a little worried until she heard Maria coming out of the cabin.

"I hope we get to that safe zone today, I don't want stay on the road any more" Maria said pouting as she lifted her bag onto her back while she began walking towards the RV causing Bella to have to stifle a laugh before she heard some banging coming from the cabin and saw Jamie trying to get something through the door.

"Jamie....what you doing?" she asked totally confused as she watched Jamie try to get a chair through the door making the teenager stop for a moment as he looked up to Bella giving a nervous chuckle.

"t-trying to get o-one of our deck chairs o-out of the cabin" Jamie replied chuckling before he continued to try and get the chair out of the small door causing Bella to laugh as she walked up to him.

"let me do it" she told him causing him to stand back as she grabbed the chair and folded it up like its meant to be and then moved it out of the door leaving her to look up to him with a grin and him to blush, rubbing the back of his neck.

"I-I knew that" Jamie stated nodding causing Bella to laugh as she handed him the now folded up chair before moving aside so Jamie could walk past and continue heading towards the RV while she shared a eye roll with Annie who also walked out of the cabin.

"that everything then?" Emily asked as she poked her head out of the RV and Annie nodded in conformation causing Bella to lean in, do a quick look around to see if they missed something before closing the door behind her, letting out a little laugh as she did.

"you know Charleston will probably turn out to be better than here but I'm kinda going to miss this place" Bella admitted causing them all to smile as Jamie put the last deck chair onto the back of the truck, however before any one could respond Maria spoke up pointing to the woods.

"hey look, Will's back!" Maria exclaimed excitedly causing them all to gather around and watch as Will stepped out of the woods, all of them excited to see their friends back. However this excitement soon disappeared when they realized Angelica wasn't with him.

Instead there was a crazy looking guy pointing a crossbow to Will's head as more of the guy's friends followed the two out of the woods....

Walking out of Red's cabin, Eric sighed as he closed the door before he began rubbing his for head leading Brad to look at him confused while he leaned against the cabin walls, unsure as to what Eric was sighing about.

"what's the orders then?" Brad asked causing Eric to shake his head and gesture for Brad to follow him as he walked towards the shed causing Brad to reluctantly follow him, not really wanting to abandon his post at guarding Red.

"Red wants Jake to lead an attack on that guy Will's group, apparently there set up in a cabin not far from here" Eric reported causing Brad to nod as they reached the shed and waited for Jake to arrive who had also been talking with Red like Eric.

"what's the problem then?" Brad asked raising an eyebrow as he looked towards Eric who quickly understood that Brad had picked up on Eric's sighing earlier and sighed once again as he folded his arms, looking around for Jake.

"you don't trust Jake will get the job done?" Brad asked after his first question was answered by only silence and this time Eric nodded as he finally saw Jake beginning to approach them with his normal crossbow slung over his shoulder.

"the guys a crazy maniac that's going to get himself and everyone else that goes on that mission with him killed" Eric stated distastefully causing Brad to chuckle but before he could respond Jake spoke up as he finally joined them at the shed.

"well you heard the boss, I'm in charge and you gotta follow my rules" Jake stated obviously enjoying the fact he was in charge which made Brad smirk as Eric was obviously annoyed by the man and the fact he was in charge.

"yeah well good luck on that because I'm not coming" Eric told Jake before walking off leaving Jake to grin as the man went before beginning to open the shed as he turned to look at Brad.

"if your in big man, go get us some guys for this mission" Jake told Brad and the man nodded in response before walking off to go and do as he was told just as Jake opened the shed door to reveal Will still sitting on the floor, his hands tied behind his back.

"you ready for the show?" Jake asked before laughing as he pointed his crossbow to Will's head. He was going to enjoy killing this group....

"good day, group members of this jackass here" Jake announced loudly as he gestured to Will earning some chuckles from his own group while Will's group just watched shocked as Will was held at gun point by the man's crossbow.

"what no good day's back? fuck you then" Jake stated slightly annoyed as he nudged the back of Will's head with his crossbow causing the man to do as he was silently told and crouch down to the floor, his hands still tied behind his back.

"release him now!" Emily demanded boldly as she raised her pistol while Bella slowly moved Maria behind her for protection and Jamie gulped as he held the folded up chair up in defence, not that it would do any good but Jake just laughed in response to Emily's demand.

"do you really think your in the position to order me around?, why don't you tell them about what happened to your friend, you know the woman I shot" Jake suggested as he nudged Will with his foot but the man just glared down at the floor in response causing Jake to smirk.

"....Angelica's.....dead?" Annie asked shocked while everyone else also looked at Will more shocked than before and eventually after a few moments Will nodded his head to say she had in fact died.

"you asshole" Emily shouted but Annie held her back while Bella took the pistol off the woman and held it towards their enemies herself, silently gesturing for Jamie to protect Maria which the teenager nodded in response too, beginning to protectively move in front of the little girl.

"and if you don't surrender now, you will share the same fate" Jake stated grinning as he looked each of them down, especially the woman. He was partly regretting the fact he was going to kill them anyway.

They were very pretty woman....

While Jake began going on about how he wanted all the group's supplies, Will looked around confused as he realized Anthony wasn't with the group and as he looked towards the cabin door he saw it open slightly as Anthony peeked out looking shocked at the rest of the group currently being held hostage.

Silently moving his head sideways, Will mouthed for Anthony to reenter the cabin which Anthony soon did, luckily before any of their kidnappers had seen him. Will just hoped Anthony could think of something to get them out of this mess.

Quickly looking around the house for anything he could do to save the others, Anthony soon remembered the rifle they had used to keep watch over night hadn't been taken outside yet so he crouched down to the floor before he went over to the sofa.

Letting out a sigh of relief as he found said rifle, Anthony checked the ammo it had and saw it had 7 bullets. It will have to do, Anthony thought to himself as he looked around to see where he could take a few shots but the only place he could see which wouldn't draw too much attention was the front door.

Again Anthony moved quietly as he went back to the door and slightly opened it hoping he wouldn't draw any attention before he sneakily poked his head around to see if he had in fact drawn any attention which he fortunately hadn't.

Taking a deep breath and gripping the rifle tightly, Anthony counted up to three in his head before he suddenly moved from the door into open view and took a shot at some guy who had been standing next to Jake, shocking everyone but Will who had seen it coming.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!!" Jake demanded as he watched Brad's body fall to the ground but before he could say anything else Bella quickly got over her shock once she saw Anthony and began firing the pistol at them causing Jake to have to retreat into the woods like anyone else who didn't get shot.

"move!" Bella ordered the people and Jamie quickly led Maria to the house while Emily and Annie were close behind as Bella and Anthony took shots at Jake's group. Will himself began rolling across the floor before he managed to get in a standing up position and ran to the door, barely making it before a load of shots hit where he had just been running causing Anthony to duck for cover before he himself dived for cover in the cabin.

Seeing everyone had made it safely into the cabin, Bella kept shooting as she herself ran to the cabin door to get to safety for now, however just as she closed the door an arrow went shooting in her direction, going straight into her stomach area like the time Riley had shot her before....

Waiting until Emily had cut whatever was used to tie his hands behind his back with Maria's knife, Will looked out the window and saw that Jake's group was quickly retreating further and further into the woods but Will knew they would be back.

"alright, we got to get ready to defend this place because they-" Will started as he turned to look at everyone else but when he did he noticed Bella clutching the arrow stuck in her stomach causing him to shout out her name as she fell to the ground, shaking a little as blood flowed out of her wound.

"shit, shit, shit" Will exclaimed as he looked down at the wound nervously while his hands were ready as if he was going to do something but truth be told, he had no clue what to do to help his girlfriend....

"Emily get me one of them towels I found!" Annie demanded as she crouched down by Will side, gently moving the man out of the way as she ripped off the bottom of Bella's shirt a little so she could see the wound which was a lot worse than she expected.

"is she going to be ok?" Maria asked as Emily returned with a towel which she quickly used to try and stop the bleeding under Annie's orders but instead of anyone answering Maria, Jamie just took the little girl out of the room as the adults did their work.

"shouldn't you take it out?" Anthony asked as he gestured to the arrow but Will shook his head as he got up from his crouching position to allow Annie to start doing her best on stopping all the blood.

"not at the moment, if we were to take the arrow out now she would bleed to death, best to wait until the bleeding has stopped until we take it out" Will told him and Anthony nodded as he turned to Will, giving him a sad look as he was about to apologize to Will but Will just shook his head as if to tell Anthony not to so he didn't.

"what weapons have we got left?" Will asked as he walked towards the dining room table where Anthony laid down the rifle and the pistol Bella had been using before he leaned on the table and sighed.

"we have these two guns, Maria's knife with the little girl herself and then we have your crossbow and Bella's machete which are in the RV" Anthony reported causing Will to sigh as he grabbed the rifle and reloaded it as he turned to look at Annie.

"is she going to be ok?" Will asked her sternly while Annie just shrugged as she looked down at the wound a little nervously and shakily, stammering to respond to Will's question as she like Emily pressed a towel to the wound, trying to stop the wound.

"I-I don't know, before she would be alright b-but, god damn it Will the arrow went exactly where she had been shot by Riley before and that means the wound is a lot worse than it should be" Annie said in a medical like way which made Will growl as he went over to the curtains to see if any of Jake's men were still around.

"IS SHE GOING TO BE OK?!!" Will snapped as he turned to look at Annie with such a rage filled looked she was taken back and again stammered to respond. She had never seen Will so angry before, none of them had....

"I'll do my best" Annie said in a whisper like voice as if she was afraid Will was going to do more than shout at her and this soon caused Will to calm down slightly as he nodded before heading to the front door and opened it.

"where you going?" Anthony asked confused as he watched Will to step out into the outside where it was beginning to rain heavily, blocking out the sun making them realize it was starting to get late.

"you guys do what you got to do to save her and then head to that safe zone, I'm going to go back to their camp....and kill them all" Will told them bluntly as he finally walked out of the cabin and calmly walked through the rain as he headed towards the woods, rifle in his arms as he prepared to do what it took to defend the group.

He was their leader, it was his job to make sure they didn't die and he was going to make sure no one else died, he was going to make sure he and who was left was going to get to that safe zone....
